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FIVE GENERATIONS , ONE STORE and 156 years of knowledge behind us, chances are we'll know what you're looking for!

Read Bros. Hardware have been around since 1867, looking after the ever-changing hardware needs of Thames and the Coromandel and now that we are part of the TradeZone Group we can now offer you a great range of Industrial suppliers, more tools than ever before and better performing consumables.

From 1867 to today- We know hardware!
Reid Bros History

John Read

We have built our business on trust and service, values that we hold ourselves to account for our customers.

manager profile
You'll find what you need here!

Over 40,000 items in store, from Gold Pans to Scuba Testing, from Key cutting to all things rope, even tool sharpening. Yes TradeZone Thames has it all!

TradeZone Thames

308 Pollen Street

Monday to Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm

Saturday 8;30am to 12:30pm

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