
Our store owners also support their local communities by sponsoring a wide variety of projects and initiatives.

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The NZPBA is the governing body in New Zealand for circuit power boat racing and TradeZone is proud to play our small part as their national sponsor.

In NZ the NZPBA race many types of craft on oval or triangular left hand turn tracks which range in overall length of between 1 and 2 kilometers. Our courses are on New Zealand’s many inland waterways, lakes, rivers and sheltered harbours.

Circuit racing boats include Hydroplanes, Racing Runabouts, V-Bottoms and Tunnel Boats. They range in size and speed from ten (10) foot long with a top speed of 60 kph boats through to the big GP Hydroplanes that are seven (7) metres in length and capable of speeds of over 250kph.


Racing NZPBA

TradeZone has been an integral part of the success of some kiwi legends.

In the past, TradeZone has supported the likes of Mitch Evans and Mitchell Cunningham and helped them to become legends on the racetrack, as well as Earl Bamber since he was a teenager, and helped launch his career into the success he is today.

At Pukekohe in this years' V8 series, we will be a Track Sponsor at the famous TradeZone Chicane.

We continue to show our passion for motorsport with our sponsorship of GTRNZ. TradeZone GTRNZ is the home to some of the fastest race cars in New Zealand, with almost no rules and anything goes; no power limits, v8’s, 6’s, 4’s, turbo’s, rotaries, spaceframe transams, ex Australian Supercars and the best of New Zealand’s homebuilt race cars that make up one of the most exciting racing series in motorsport.


The infamous Robert Holden Corner in Wanganui’s Cemetery Circuit motorcycle race event has been sponsored by TradeZone Wanganui for over 20 years, with TradeZone New Zealand also coming on board with support. The day-long meeting is traditionally held on Boxing Day (26 December) each year and has been running since 1951. This street circuit is 1.6 km (one mile) long with eight corners, a railway crossing, an over-bridge and blind S’s through and around the old Wanganui cemetery. This event captures the hearts and minds of motorcycle enthusiasts everywhere!

As former sponsors of Gone Fishin’, we helped bring Graeme Sinclair into living rooms around the country and make him a household name. We continued to show our love of fishing by sponsoring Nicky Sinden’s Addicted to Fishing show for many years until 2020.

Gone Fishin

We were also sponsors of the Police’s Blue Light community programme in its early days. The Blue Light programme helps to reduce young people becoming offenders or victims of crime by encouraging safe and healthy socialisation, free of alcohol, drugs, and violence, and build better relations between the police, young people, their parents and the community.

Additionally we are also active in our local communities and provide support when needed - In fact TradeZone provide $30,000 a year to help locally where we can !

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