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Growth in the industry over the years has seen the continued introduction of extremely innovative and revolutionary dairy and farm based technology. Local couple Shaun and Sheryl Jellie - owner/operators of TradeZone Matamata, are committed to ensuring that local farmers receive the best benefits and have reliable back up service whenever they need it.

Supporting our customers is paramount for us and we have a huge range of products ranging from power and hand tools, welding products and consumables, and lifting gear.

Being part of TradeZone if we don’t have it, we probably source it and can get it to you overnight.

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Shaun & Sheryl

The strength of TradeZone lies in its nationwide network; people who know their community, know their local industry and service it directly.

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We are committed to ensuring that local farmers receive the best benefits and have reliable back up service whenever they need it.

Our experienced team will help you achieve your individual requirements by delivering superior solutions using the most innovative technologies, engineering excellence and of course, providing quality service.

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